Verizon will no longer be the exclusive U.S. mobile carrier for watching NFL games on smartphones and tablets. According to an announcement this morning, the company – and TechCrunch’s parent, by way of Oath – says that it has closed a new deal with the National Football League that will allow it to stream live games to fans regardless of mobile network.
The deal includes in-market and national games, including national pre-season, regular season, playoff games, and the Super Bowl nationwide. It doesn’t include the Sunday afternoon out-of-market games, which AT&T’s DirecTV has through the end of the 2022-23 season.
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To think, England could have had Guus Hiddink. That was before the FA made their bungled approach to Luiz Felipe Scolari and then settled for the wally with a brolly. A Hiddink to nothing? Don’t write off Guus’s Russian outsiders yet
Queens Park Rangers manager Chris Ramsey has backed Les Ferdinand after he was charged by the Football Association for abusing a match official following their 2-1 home defeat to Tottenham. Les Ferdinand was frustrated… we could’ve had two penalties, says boss Chris Ramsey as QPR director of football faces FA charge